Sustainable Living — Arrive Kenya

 Sustainable Living

Projects include: solar power, rain water collection, farming, livestock, and more.

Arrive and our partner organizations is committed to becoming sustainable (click here for more information, we promise it is worth the read!). This is vital as it reduces operating costs, teaches kids valuable skills, and helps the environment. Past projects include: the children take care of 45 hens that lay eggs for them to eat and five cows that produce milk for them to drink. Goats also produce milk and rabbits can be bred and sold for a profit or eaten for protein. The children harvest crops such as corn, beans, pumpkins, peppers, onions, kale, tomatoes, and more to increase their self-sufficiency. At the Childrens Home in Keumbu, Arrive also financed to build a fishpond, installed solar panels, and leased a plot of adjacent land to harvest more crops on a larger plot of land. Having a working farm, complete with crops and animals, is a vital part of the success of any home in Kenya. Whether it is taking care of a certain animal by getting that animal food and water, collecting the eggs the hens lay, or grazing the variety of livestock we have, each child takes pride in his or her responsibility to increase the sustainabilty of the homes.

A massive accomplishment that we have achieved is our running water project. Another major project is the fish pond (click here as well to see the fish pond update). Check them out by clicking on the links!

"The Shamba" (farm in Swahili) consists of: a vegetable garden, rabbits, hens, roosters, goats, sheep, fish, pigs, cows, guinea pigs, pigeons, and more; all with a specific purpose to fulfill. 


Buy us a goat

Support our sustainable efforts by buying our home a goat, cow, water tank, solar panel, or other tangible item.

For both economic and environmental reasons, Arrive's partners strive everyday to become more sustainable. Both the Light Home of Hope and the Childrens Home in Keumbu are fully powered by the sun! Arrive uses solar energy, explained more in this blog, to power everything from security lights to the running water system. Besides decreasing electricity costs an being better for the environment, solar energy gives us a more reliable power source (as Kenya Power, the electricity provider, tends to have outages almost daily; ranging in time from 3 minutes to 3 months).

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