Today we had what I believe is a microcosm of Arrive, and it came to us in the most unlikely form.
Into The Light
Snapshot: Life in Rural East Africa
What Makes Arrive Different? Hint: Its Not What You Think
The Story of a Street Girl
Recap: Brian Runs a Marathon
"Sukuma-ing" Through a Kenyan Winter
A Tale of Two Migrations
Success, Proven. Growth, Explained.
Coming To America
Sponsorship: The Gift of Education
A Bittersweet Farewell
Obizo wanted to continue studying, but did not even know if his mother was alive. He missed her, and his younger brother who he had not seen in over ten years. Together, Obizo and I traveled back to his home village to locate the whereabouts of his remaining family and he was happily reunited with his mother and brotherS (he learned he has more than one)!
Kusonga Mbele: Big News for Arrive!
Obizo wanted to continue studying, but did not even know if his mother was alive. He missed her, and his younger brother who he had not seen in over ten years. Together, Obizo and I traveled back to his home village to locate the whereabouts of his remaining family and he was happily reunited with his mother and brotherS (he learned he has more than one)!
Kenya: Day One (Again)
Ready To Work
Relevant in the Story of Life
Enock is just one example of the many that Arrive has helped. Sometimes I feel discouraged that we can't help every street kid, every widowed mother, every orphan. But on this pale blue dot we call Earth, both Loren C. Eisely and Enock "Tano Tano" remind me that for every single person we help, "it made a difference for that one!"